Let us empower your world

Regardless of whether you are looking for employees or a new job

Let us empower your world

At JKS Tech&Metal, we are ready to help add strength to your existence in the industry. We are your specialized sparring partner who knows your industry and the requirements, challenges and opportunities that belong to it. Regardless of whether it is permanent employment, temporary employment or project employment, we have a strong solution - both for you who are looking for work and for you who are looking for employees for your company.

You can call us at +45 86 42 35 40.
Write to us at techogmetal@jks.dk

You can contact us via all departments in JKS. Our primary addresses are

Bøsbrovej 3A
DK-8940 Randers SV

Højen Business Park
K. Christensens Vej 2N
DK-9200 Aalborg SV

You are also welcome to contact our employees directly. See an overview below.



Want to know more?

Jørgen N. Laursen

Kunde- og personalekonsulent

Inger Droob


Annette Okkels

Business Area Manager
Read about Annette Okkels

Annette Okkels er uddannet indenfor kommunikation og handel, og har i knap 20 år været regionschef i JKS med ansvar for Nordjylland, Djursland og Kronjylland. Hun har således en omfattende erfaring med rekruttering af alle typer medarbejdere til mange forskellige virksomheder.

Dina Kristensen

Project Manager

Henrik Friis-Andersen

Senior Project Manager

Rasmus Sørensen

Project Manager
Read about Rasmus Sørensen

Rasmus Sørensen er uddannet værktøjsmager og har bl.a. arbejdet som produktionsleder i et ingeniørfirma. Han har arbejdet med rekruttering af faglærte medarbejdere i over 20 år.

Lone Birkkjær

Kontorassistent - løn

Ane Øhrberg


Cornel Vasile

International recruitment coordinator

Glenn Andersen


Lars Hedelund


Should we contact you?

Fill out our contact form and we will get back to you as soon as possible. If you are looking for a job, this is not where you should send your application - create your CV instead.

By submitting the form, you agree to be contacted by JKS Tech&Metal.