Find your next job in the industry

We are specialists in matching skilled professionals with exciting industry jobs.

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Find your next job in the industry

We strengthen your options

At JKS Tech&Metal, we strengthen your options, regardless of whether you are looking for permanent work or project employment. We also offer apprenticeships for you who are at the start of your career.

Why you should choose JKS Tech&Metal

We are specialists

We ourselves have a background in industry and work exclusively with skilled labor for it. We understand your needs and know what is important to you.

We give you professional sparring

We know the industry, the requirements and the everyday life of Danish industrial companies - and give you professional advice on how to best use your skills.

We find the right job for you

Our large network of companies ensures that we can offer you job opportunities that match your skills and ambitions – including access to jobs you won't find anywhere else.

We ensure you a safe environment

You get a consultant who is only associated with you and who always ensures that all the practical aspects of pay and working conditions are in order. At the same time, you become part of a large network and community with other professionals.

We give you


Extra eyes on the job market

We are in continuous dialogue with the companies in the industry and keep an eye on the best job opportunities. When we find a match, we will contact you immediately.


Proper framework and conditions

We follow industry agreements and only work with companies that offer good working conditions.


Professional recruitment process

We use a proven recruitment process to ensure the quality of our work and to ensure your success as a candidate.


Several paths to the dream job

We offer both permanent positions, project hires and Try & Hire courses, where you and the company can try each other out without obligations.


Ongoing dialogue

We will keep in touch with you even after you have been hired to ensure that you are comfortable in your new workplace. And if you want to make a job or career change, we are always ready to help you find new paths and opportunities

Tech&Metals fagområder

Our areas of expertise

At JKS Tech&Metal, we are specialists in skilled labor for the industry. We help you find the right job in the following areas of expertise:

Electric & automatic
Are you looking for strong profiles or exciting positions within electricity and automation? We are experts in recruiting electricians, automation technicians and industrial electricians and always have exciting jobs.
Industrial technology
Do you lack skilled craftsmen for industrial technical tasks and tool manufacturing? Or a new job in the area? Then you have come to the right place.
Blacksmithing and welding
Do you need to increase your staff with specialists in blacksmithing and certified welding? Or are you the reinforcement? Our specialists are ready to help.
Service & maintenance
We give you access to competent candidates and exciting jobs within service and maintenance in industry.

Want to know more?

We are always ready for a non-binding chat about how we can strengthen your job opportunities.


Contact us

Available positions

 Here you will find our vacancies within tech and metal (in Danish)

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